The journey

A new beginning

With a growing passion for sustainable living and the realisation that small earth-friendly choices could be made everywhere, Stacey and Alex rebranded the business to Evia Collective to reflect their new journey.

Read more about our story.

the journey

The idea

It all began with a desire to make more eco-friendly choices so our children would have the chance to live in a more sustainable world. Encouraging and educating families about modern cloth nappies allowed us to bring our business to life and make cloth nappies more accessible.

Featured article

What about the poo?

What about the poo?

If you’re wondering about what to do with poo when using cloth nappies, don’t worry you’re not alone! Poo can often be a daunting subject at the be...

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What is a dry pail?

What is a dry pail?

If you’re just starting your cloth nappy journey, you might be wondering - where do I put my used or dirty cloth nappies? The best place to store t...

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